Birds are part of the nature. They contribute to the ecosystem and environment. They are helpful in following ways to nature.
1. Food chain: Birds are part of food chain. They are carnivores here. They keep check on growth of population of rodents, insects and even snakes. Small birds eat up insects while large ones kill snakes and rodents.

2. Scavengers: We might have come across birds circled around a dead corpse of animals. Even in forest, once an animal is left out by lions and tigers, the rest is consumed by birds. Birds are natural scavengers. They help  keep the nature clean of dead and decay matter. Even they do not leave out grains or fruits which are thrown out into open places.
3. Seed propagation: Birds are the key in seed propagation. Hence we see plants growing spontaneously at different places on the soil. The birds eat the fruit or seeds of the plants. Some of them remain undigested and get excreted as such. When these seeds reach the soil, they can germinate in favortable conditions. Thus birds helps in natural seed dispersal and plant propagation.
4. Beauty to nature: Birds are the some of the creatures which add beauty to environment. Hence we see many painting with birds and even photographs of birds to reflect beauty.
Thus birds are greatly helpful to humans and nature. Due to pollution, excess use of pesticides,modernisation and wide spread radiation many birds are getting extinct. We needs to protect them and minimise the hazards of technology on them.